Top 50 geomagnetických bouří

On this page you will find an overview of the strongest geomagnetic storms since January 1957 together with links to more information in our archive. Storms are ranked by the Disturbance storm-time index (Dst) that is designed to measure the magnetic signature of magnetospheric currents observed in the equatorial regions. The Dst index is provided by the World Data Center for geomagnetism in Kyoto. When available, the maximum solar wind speed and the conditions of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF Bt and Bz) are shown. This page is updated daily.

Dst Ap Kp maxRychlostIMF BtIMF Bz
114. 03. 1989-589nT1589---
213. 03. 1989-472nT2469---
315. 07. 1959-429nT2369---
413. 09. 1957-427nT1609----
511. 02. 1958-426nT1999---
620. 11. 2003-422nT1509-766.3km/sec56.15nT-52.93nT
711. 05. 2024-412nT2719993.2km/sec55.75nT-50.06nT
826. 05. 1967-387nT1469---
931. 03. 2001-387nT1929-792.2km/sec72.67nT-47.41nT
1030. 10. 2003-383nT19191980.0km/sec40.16nT-35.50nT
1108. 11. 2004-374nT1409-763.8km/sec48.31nT-47.70nT
1209. 11. 1991-354nT1198+---
1310. 05. 2024-351nT1059-804.7km/sec73.76nT-49.96nT
1429. 10. 2003-350nT20491900.0km/sec63.32nT-53.85nT
1513. 11. 1960-339nT2809---
1608. 07. 1958-330nT2009---
1701. 04. 1960-327nT2419----
1830. 04. 1960-325nT1749---
1914. 07. 1982-325nT1539---
2005. 09. 1957-324nT1129----
2125. 05. 1967-312nT1309---
2213. 04. 1981-311nT1218+---
2321. 11. 2003-309nT427-575.2km/sec20.23nT-10.20nT
2409. 02. 1986-307nT1009----
2531. 10. 2003-307nT1168+1258.7km/sec41.28nT-18.52nT
2623. 09. 1957-303nT1649----
2704. 09. 1958-302nT1319----
2816. 07. 2000-300nT508-979.7km/sec48.59nT-2.76nT
2925. 03. 1991-298nT1309----
3005. 09. 1958-296nT718---
3109. 07. 1958-293nT757---
3207. 04. 2000-292nT749-637.3km/sec28.14nT-17.29nT
3306. 11. 2001-292nT1429-434.0km/sec81.30nT-78.17nT
3406. 04. 2000-291nT828+604.3km/sec33.76nT-32.76nT
3506. 09. 1982-289nT1999----
3615. 07. 2000-289nT1649-59.55nT-59.27nT
3710. 05. 1992-288nT1799----
3807. 10. 1960-287nT1869---
3908. 03. 1970-284nT1499---
4016. 07. 1959-283nT477+---
4110. 04. 1990-281nT1248---
4224. 03. 1991-281nT1619----
4304. 09. 1957-280nT1459---
4408. 11. 1991-280nT989----
4502. 04. 1960-272nT627---
4628. 10. 1961-272nT1289----
4711. 04. 2001-271nT858+764.4km/sec42.33nT-36.63nT
4821. 10. 1989-268nT1468+---
4917. 11. 1989-266nT1098---
5010. 11. 2004-263nT1619-818.8km/sec36.84nT-29.22nT
© Potsdam - CC BY 4.0 - Matzka, J., Stolle, C., Yamazaki, Y., Bronkalla, O. and Morschhauser, A., 2021. - ©WDC for Geomagnetism, Kyoto

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Fakta o počasí ve vesmíru

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Dny bez skvrn
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září 2024170.8 -44.8
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Tento den v historii*

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*od roku 1994

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