Visualització de l'arxiu de dijous, 18 d’abril 2002

Informe d'activitat solar

Any mentioned solar flare in this report has a scaling factor applied by the Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC). Because of the SWPC scaling factor, solar flares are reported as 42% smaller than for the science quality data. The scaling factor has been removed from our archived solar flare data to reflect the true physical units.
Informe d'activitat Geofísica-Solar 2002 Apr 18 2200 UTC
Preparat pel SWPC NOAA © i processat per

Informe conjunt segons USAF / NOAA d’activitat Solar i Geofísica

SDF número 108 emès a 2200Z el Apr 18 2002

IA. Anàlisi de les regions actives solars i de l'activitat de 2100Z-17 a 2100Z-18

Solar activity was low. Only C-class flares occurred over the past 24 hours. Some of these flares did not have an obvious source on the visible disk and may have originated from beyond the limb. Region 9906 (S14W55) remains large and complex but has shown some sunspot decay and magnetic simplification. New Regions 9911 (S13E23) and 9912 (N11E28) were numbered.
IB. Previsió d'activitat solar
Solar activity is expected to be moderate. M-class activity is expected in Region 9906. A major flare in this region remains a possibility.
IIA. Resum d'activitat geofísica del 2100Z-17 al 2100Z-18
The geomagnetic field ranged from quiet to severe storm levels in response to the CME that impacted the Earth early yesterday. ACE solar wind information suggests that this CME has passed. The geomagnetic field is currently at active levels. Yesterday's greater than 10 MeV proton event has ended: start 17/1530 UTC, maximum flux (24 pfu) 17/1540 UTC, and end 18/0035 UTC.
IIB. Previsió d'activitat geofísica
The geomagnetic field is expected to be at unsettled to active levels through the end of 18 April UTC. Another CME is expected to impact the Earth early on 19 April UTC from an LDE/CME that occurred on 17 April. Minor to major storm conditions are possible for the 24-48 hours following this CME's arrival. Geomagnetic activity is expected to decline to unsettled to active levels by the end of the 3-day forecast period. Another greater than 10 MeV proton event is possible if Region 9906 generates a major flare.
III. Probabilitats d’esdeveniments de les Apr del 19 a les Apr del 21
Classe M75%50%40%
Classe X10%05%01%
IV. Penticton Flux de 10,7 cm
  Observat       18 Apr 188
  Predit   19 Apr-21 Apr  180/175/170
  Mitjana de 90 dies        18 Apr 201
V. Índexs geomagnètics A
  Observat Afr/Ap 17 Apr  027/041
  Estimat     Afr/Ap 18 Apr  045/050
  Predit    Afr/Ap 19 Apr-21 Apr  040/040-030/050-012/020
VI. Probabilitats d’activitat geomagnètica del 19 Apr al 21 Apr
A. Latituds mitjanes
Tempesta menor30%20%10%
Tempesta major-severa20%10%05%
B. Latituds altes
Tempesta menor40%30%20%
Tempesta major-severa25%15%05%

All times in UTC

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