Latest CMEs detected by Cactus Ajuda

Coronal Mass Ejections can occur during solar flares unleashing a giant cloud of solar wind particles into space. Here you'll find an overview of the latest CMEs that where detected by the Cactus software of the SIDC. The Cactus software autonomously detects CMEs in image sequences from the LASCO instrument on board SOHO, the result is a list of detections by the software with the characteristics of the CME.

CME Onset time Duration Angle Angular width Velocitat Halo?
Median Variation Mín. Màx.
402024/05/01 17:481266°569259266851
392024/05/01 17:36310°34°385141305751
382024/05/01 12:481270°26°36635330439
372024/05/01 06:485144°360°12256151272016IV
362024/05/01 06:362280°22°717337172946
352024/05/01 00:361217°12°8011366511077
342024/04/30 16:241214°22°6902263781041
332024/04/30 02:362218°34°469184428868
322024/04/29 23:121214°10°356129177563
312024/04/29 19:361224°18°411166192801
302024/04/29 16:242223°40°25410798440
292024/04/29 16:002101°12°2317451941953
282024/04/29 13:252217°64°33984194562
272024/04/29 12:361293°36°24040188322
262024/04/29 12:363294°58°30650196440
252024/04/29 11:24188°14°3127307325
242024/04/29 09:482279°28°28173171456
232024/04/29 09:24188°10°30380178433
222024/04/29 07:36081°20°284150167600
212024/04/29 07:002217°36°22293102411
202024/04/29 03:122313°64°31986137561
192024/04/29 01:360252°10°26641223343
182024/04/28 19:001305°20°228279113781
172024/04/28 17:127317°68°24589100431
162024/04/28 07:244337°16°276107134480
152024/04/28 06:000330°10624103155
142024/04/28 04:361177°328137220543
132024/04/28 02:243166°34°504140343868
122024/04/27 23:360285°20915188226
112024/04/27 23:12281°52°429152256710
102024/04/27 21:361291°16°18530160240
92024/04/27 18:001316°10°15325140208
82024/04/27 17:242251°16°651124512892
72024/04/27 11:241167°16°349133279664
62024/04/27 02:24197°16°38848315459
52024/04/26 20:360234°8333512421076
42024/04/26 18:007153°116°2622258269II
32024/04/26 17:482324°86°37291240651
22024/04/26 12:001311°12°13519100153
12024/04/26 12:004328°46°15529103214

Data credit: SIDC - Cactus

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