Visualització de l'arxiu de dilluns, 17 de gener 2005

Informe d'activitat solar

Any mentioned solar flare in this report has a scaling factor applied by the Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC). Because of the SWPC scaling factor, solar flares are reported as 42% smaller than for the science quality data. The scaling factor has been removed from our archived solar flare data to reflect the true physical units.
Informe d'activitat Geofísica-Solar 2005 Jan 17 2200 UTC
Preparat pel SWPC NOAA © i processat per

Informe conjunt segons USAF / NOAA d’activitat Solar i Geofísica

SDF número 017 emès a 2200Z el Jan 17 2005

IA. Anàlisi de les regions actives solars i de l'activitat de 2100Z-16 a 2100Z-17

Solar activity was high. Region 720 (N13W30) continued to produce flare activity with the largest being an X3/2f at 17/0952 UTC. This flare was associated with a complex full-halo CME directed mostly towards the northwest. Although this region remains large and magnetically complex some restructuring of the sunspots was apparent following this flare. New Region 723 (N06E77) is rotating around the east limb.
IB. Previsió d'activitat solar
Solar activity is expected to remain at high to very high levels. Region 720 could produce yet another major solar event.
IIA. Resum d'activitat geofísica del 2100Z-16 al 2100Z-17
The geomagnetic field ranged from quiet to severe storm levels. Solar wind conditions observed by the NASA ACE spacecraft show a fairly complex onset of activity which may suggest the arrival of a solar wind structure from combined CMEs expected from previous major flares on 15 January. The proton event at greater than 10 MeV that began on 16/0210 UTC remains in progress. The latest X3 flare discussed in Part IA has increased the current peak flux to 5040 pfu observed at 17/1750 UTC. A proton event at greater than 100 MeV also resulted from the X3 flare, beginning at 17/1215 UTC and with a current peak flux of 28 pfu observed at 17/1700 UTC. The greater than 2 MeV electron flux observed by the GOES spacecraft, as well as the solar wind parameters observed by the ACE SWEPAM instruments, have been rendered temporarily unusable due to the energetic proton event.
IIB. Previsió d'activitat geofísica
The geomagnetic field is expected to continue at major to severe storm levels. Another CME arrival is expected late on 18 January, or possibly early on 19 January, due to today's X3 flare, which should keep geomagnetic activity levels elevated. The current proton events are expected to remain in progress.
III. Probabilitats d’esdeveniments de les Jan del 18 a les Jan del 20
Classe M90%90%90%
Classe X30%30%30%
PCAFin progress
IV. Penticton Flux de 10,7 cm
  Observat       17 Jan 138
  Predit   18 Jan-20 Jan  135/130/120
  Mitjana de 90 dies        17 Jan 107
V. Índexs geomagnètics A
  Observat Afr/Ap 16 Jan  010/012
  Estimat     Afr/Ap 17 Jan  060/080
  Predit    Afr/Ap 18 Jan-20 Jan  060/080-050/050-030/030
VI. Probabilitats d’activitat geomagnètica del 18 Jan al 20 Jan
A. Latituds mitjanes
Tempesta menor50%50%30%
Tempesta major-severa35%30%10%
B. Latituds altes
Tempesta menor50%50%30%
Tempesta major-severa40%40%20%

All times in UTC

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