Visualització de l'arxiu de dijous, 30 d’octubre 2003

Informe geofísic

Any mentioned solar flare in this report has a scaling factor applied by the Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC). Because of the SWPC scaling factor, solar flares are reported as 42% smaller than for the science quality data. The scaling factor has been removed from our archived solar flare data to reflect the true physical units.
Resum de l'activitat solar i geofísica 2003 Oct 30 0245 UTC
Preparat pel SWPC NOAA © i processat per

Resum conjunt de l'activitat solar i geofísica segons USAF / NOAA

SGAS número 303 emès el 0245Z del 30 Oct 2003 Aquest informe es compila a partir de les dades rebudes pel SWO el 29 Oct
A. Esdeveniments energètics
Inici  Max Final Rgn   Loc    Xray   Op 245MHz  10cm   Extensió
0026 0151 0208  0486 S16E10 M1.1  1f 5400   63
0137 0337 0412                       5800
0408 0511 0554  0486 S17E06 M3.5  Sn 6600   610       IV
1234 1234 1234                       1000
1348 0000 2354                                        IV
2037 2049 2101  0486 S15W02 X10.0 2b 360000 2500   II/IV
2305 2322 2353       S18W02       Sf 8200
B. Esdeveniments Protons
The large proton event and GLE that followed the X17 flare on 28 Oct was in decline for most of the period. The greater than 10 MeV proton event that began on 28/1215Z, peaked at 29/0615Z at 29,500 pfu, making it the second largest, greater than 10 MeV proton event this cycle (second only to the 31,700 pfu proton event in November 2001). The greater than 100 MeV proton event began at 28/1145Z, and peaked at 29/0015Z at 186 pfu. The proton events were still in progress when a new stream of protons began, following the X10 flare at around 2100Z.
C. Resum de l’activitat geomagnètica
The geomagnetic field ranged from unsettled to severe storming. The powerful CME from the X17/4b flare on 28/1110Z, impacted the Earth's magnetic field at 29/0613Z. The transit time for this CME was around 19 hours, making it one of the fastest on record. The sudden impulse measured 140 nT on the Boulder magnetometer. Strong southward IMF Bz initiated severe (K9) storming at middle and high latitudes in the 29/0600 - 0900Z period. Mostly northward Bz occurred from 29/0900 - 1800Z; however, major to severe storming persisted. A sharp southward turn in the Bz occurred at around 1800Z ending the period with K8-9 severe storming. A strong Forbush decrease (over 20%) is in progress.
D. Escalfament estratosfèric
E. Índexs diaris: (valors preliminars / estimats en temps real)
10 cm 279  SSN 330  Afr/Ap 180/189   X-ray Background C3.3
Fluència de protons diària (acumulació de flux durant 24 hores)
GT 1 MeV 3.0e+09   GT 10 MeV 7.7e+08 p/(cm2-ster-day)
(Satèl·lit GOES-11 en òrbita síncrona de W108 graus)
Fluència d'electrons diària
GT 2 MeV 4.70e+06 e/(cm2-ster-day)
(Satèl·lit GOES-12 en òrbita síncrona de W77 graus)
Índexs K de 3 hores
Boulder 4 3 9 7 6 7 9 8 Planetary 4 3 9 8 7 7 9 8
F. Comentaris

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