Visualització de l'arxiu de divendres, 6 d’abril 2001

Informe d'activitat solar

Any mentioned solar flare in this report has a scaling factor applied by the Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC). Because of the SWPC scaling factor, solar flares are reported as 42% smaller than for the science quality data. The scaling factor has been removed from our archived solar flare data to reflect the true physical units.
Informe d'activitat Geofísica-Solar 2001 Apr 06 2200 UTC
Preparat pel SWPC NOAA © i processat per

Informe conjunt segons USAF / NOAA d’activitat Solar i Geofísica

SDF número 096 emès a 2200Z el Apr 06 2001

IA. Anàlisi de les regions actives solars i de l'activitat de 2100Z-05 a 2100Z-06

Solar activity has been high during the past 24 hours. Region 9415 (S21E33) produced an X5/Sf flare at 1921Z (Please note that the optical class could only be measured well after the x-ray flare maximum due to weather hampering observations). Coronagraph observations from SOHO/LASCO showed a CME associated with this event just entering the C2 field of view at 1930Z. Region 9415 is the dominant region on the disk with 820 millionths area in an Eko, beta-gamma-delta configuration. The only other solar flares of note today were a few C-class subflares. Coronagraph data also showed that yesterday's CME, associated with the long-duration M5 event, could be classified as a full-halo event. Nonetheless the sequence of images give the impression that the center of the CME is not headed directly at the Earth. Note that today's 10.7 cm flux had to be estimated from the morning reading because intense solar radio burst activity interfered with the normal noontime reading.
IB. Previsió d'activitat solar
Solar activity is expected to be moderate to high during the next three days. Region 9415 is clearly the dominant region on the disk to watch for energetic flare activity, although regions 9417 and 9418 might possibly contribute a low-level M-class event.
IIA. Resum d'activitat geofísica del 2100Z-05 al 2100Z-06
The geomagnetic field was mostly quiet to unsettled during the past 24 hours. Solar wind speeds continue to decline and solar wind density remains low. The greater than 10 MeV proton event continued to decline during the past 24 hours. As of 06/2100Z the fluxes were fluctuating below and above the threshold of 10 PFU, with a reading of 10.2 PFU at 2100Z.
IIB. Previsió d'activitat geofísica
The geomagnetic field is expected to be unsettled for the next 24 hours. An increase to active levels is expected on the second and third days as a response to a glancing blow from the halo CME associated with yesterday's M5 flare and possible additional influence from the CME associated with today's X5 event. There is a fair chance for an increase in the greater than 10 MeV proton fluxes sometime in the next 24 hours in response to today's X5 event as well, although the fluxes are likely to increase rather gradually with peak fluxes in the low 100's of PFU, and the spectrum will probably be relatively soft.
III. Probabilitats d’esdeveniments de les Apr del 07 a les Apr del 09
Classe M80%80%80%
Classe X25%25%25%
IV. Penticton Flux de 10,7 cm
  Observat       06 Apr 192
  Predit   07 Apr-09 Apr  200/195/190
  Mitjana de 90 dies        06 Apr 167
V. Índexs geomagnètics A
  Observat Afr/Ap 05 Apr  011/019
  Estimat     Afr/Ap 06 Apr  012/015
  Predit    Afr/Ap 07 Apr-09 Apr  012/012-025/025-025/025
VI. Probabilitats d’activitat geomagnètica del 07 Apr al 09 Apr
A. Latituds mitjanes
Tempesta menor10%20%20%
Tempesta major-severa05%25%30%
B. Latituds altes
Tempesta menor15%25%25%
Tempesta major-severa05%15%30%

All times in UTC

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