Visualització de l'arxiu de dilluns, 6 de novembre 2023

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Strong geomagnetic storm sparks aurora all over Europe

Wow! Now that was what you call an almighty storm! Two distinct coronal mass ejection arrivals yesterday sparked a geomagnetic storm that peaked at the strong G3 (Kp7) level. This sparked spectacular and vivid aurora displays which were seen from all over Europe, southern parts of Australia and New Zealand. We admit that we were actually surprised by how far south in Europe people were spotting the aurora. We have seen images from pretty much every European country and even as far south as Turkey! Yes! Turkey! Incredible stuff! This amazing aurora display is yet another example of why you need to remain vigilant during coronal mass ejection arrivals! You never know when that chance comes that you will be able to spot the aurora from your own back yard or balcony!

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