Visualització de l'arxiu de dijous, 31 de març 2022

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CME arrival, X1 halo CME

What an eventful few days we are having. Solar flares, coronal mass ejections and now even geomagnetic storming! Indeed, the coronal mass ejections from the M-class event arrived around 01:45 UTC today which was very much in line with the predictions. Well done NOAA! Geomagnetic storm conditions up to the minor G1 geomagnetic storm levels have been observed thus far. The solar wind speed is decent near 600km/s but the strength of the interplanetary field is below what you'd expect for stronger storm conditions. That said, we will continue to be under the influence of the effects of this coronal mass ejection in the coming hours so keep an eye on the data to see how the situation unfolds.

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