Visualització de l'arxiu de divendres, 12 de desembre 2014

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Coronal hole stream, NOAA service interruption, filament eruption

A coronal hole high speed solar wind stream has arrived at Earth, slightly earlier than expected. Elevated geomagnetic conditions are being observed today and we even managed to reach the G1 minor geomagnetic storm level today. Anna McGee managed to capture this shot just over an hour ago from northern Scotland. Stunning! There was also a filament eruption on the Sun that launched a coronal mass ejection away from Earth and the NOAA SWPC announced that SWPC operations will be temporarily suspended due to facility power system maintenance on Saturday. This will affect the products on SpaceWeatherLive which use data from the NOAA SWPC. Flaring activity on the Sun continues at low levels (C-class only) and is expected to remain that way for the coming days.

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