Affichage des archives de mardi, 14 septembre 2004

Rapport d'activité solaire

Any mentioned solar flare in this report has a scaling factor applied by the Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC). Because of the SWPC scaling factor, solar flares are reported as 42% smaller than for the science quality data. The scaling factor has been removed from our archived solar flare data to reflect the true physical units.
Rapport d'activité solaire et géophysique 2004 Sep 14 2300 UTC
Fait par le NOAA © SWPC et adapté par

Rapport de l'USAF/NOAA sur l'activité solaire et géophysique

SDF numéro 258 publié à 2200Z le 14 Sep 2004

IA. Analyse des régions solaires actives et activité du 13-2100Z au 14-2100Z

Solar activity has been moderate. Region 672 (N05E10) produced several C-class flares and a long-duration M1.5/1f at 0930 UTC. A Type II radio sweep (1018 km/s) and a Type IV sweep was observed in association with the M flare. An associated CME most likely occurred, but could not be confirmed due to a LASCO data gap. Surging and plage fluctuations were observed in Region 672, which is now in a beta-delta magnetic configuration. No new regions were numbered today.
IB. Prévisions d'activité solaire
Solar activity is expected to be low to moderate. Region 672 is expected to produce C- class flares, and may produce isolated M-class flares.
IIA. Résumé de l'activité géophysique du 13-2100Z au 14-2100Z
The geomagnetic field has been unsettled to active. Lingering effects of the CME which arrived on 13 September led to persistent active conditions early in the period. The greater than 10 MeV protons have been steadily delining since reaching a maximum of 273 pfu at 14/0005 UTC, and are currently at 17 pfu.
IIB. Prévision de l'activité géophysique
The geomagnetic field is expected to be quiet to unsettled on 15 September as the effects of the current disturbance subside. A CME originating from the M1.5 flare observed today may interact with Earth's geomagnetic field beginning midday on 16 September, and lasting through 17 September. Predominantly active conditions, with isolated minor or major storming, is likely on 16-17 September as a result of this CME arrival. The greater than 10 MeV Proton levels may increase as well in association with a CME shock arrival.
III. Probabilité d'éruption solaire du 15 Sep au 17 Sep
Classe M25%25%25%
Classe X05%05%05%
IV. Flux Penticton 10.7 cm
  Observé       14 Sep 115
  Prévisionnel   15 Sep-17 Sep  115/115/110
  Moyenne des 90 derniers jours        14 Sep 112
V. Indice géomagnetique A
  Observé Afr/Ap 13 Sep  005/008
  Estimé     Afr/Ap 14 Sep  020/030
  Prévisionnel    Afr/Ap 15 Sep-17 Sep  015/015-020/025-020/025
VI. Probabilités d'activité géomagnétique du 15 Sep au 17 Sep
A. Latitudes moyennes
Tempête mineure20%25%25%
Tempête majeure/sévère01%01%01%
B. Hautes latitudes
Tempête mineure25%30%30%
Tempête majeure/sévère01%05%05%

Toutes les heures sont indiquées en UTC

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