Viser arkiv af fredag, 9 januar 2004


Ethvert nævnt soludbrud i denne rapport har en skaleringsfaktor anvendt af Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC). På grund af SWPC-skaleringsfaktoren rapporteres soludbrud som 42 % mindre end for videnskabelige kvalitetsdata. Skaleringsfaktoren er blevet fjernet fra vores arkiverede soludbrudsdata for at afspejle de sande fysiske enheder.
Rapport om sol-geofysisk aktivitet 2004 Jan 09 2200 UTC
Udarbejdet af NOAA © SWPC og behandlet af

Fælles USAF/NOAA-rapport om sol- og geofysisk aktivitet

SDF nummer 009 Udstedt til 2200Z på 09 Jan 2004

IA. Analyse af solaktive områder og aktivitet fra 08-2100Z til 09-2100Z

Solar activity was moderate during the last 24 hours. Region 537 (N05E37) produced back-to-back M-class flares, an M1 at 0122 UTC followed immediately by an M3 at 0144 UTC. The x-ray events were associated with a narrow CME erupting off the southeast solar limb. Region 537 continues to have a delta configuration and is growing slowly, The spots appeared to be rotating slightly in a counter-clockwise direction. Region 536 (S12W28) is still the largest group on the disk and is undergoing a net loss of total spot area. However, there is some opposite polarity flux emerging just to the east of the region, and the spot group did produce occasional small flares throughout the day.
IB. Solaktivitetsprognose
Solar activity is expected to be predominantly moderate. There continues to be a slight chance for major flare activity from Region 536 and from Region 537.
IIA. Geofysisk aktivitetsoversigt 08-2100Z til 09-2100Z
The geomagnetic field was at unsettled to minor storm levels during the past 24 hours. An initially unsettled geomagnetic field became more disturbed after 0600 UTC, with one minor storm period from 0600-0900 UTC, followed by unsettled to active conditions for the rest of the day. The increase was likely due to an observed change in the character of the solar wind around 0500 UTC. ACE solar wind data showed a slow rise in velocity, temperature, and density, as well as an increase in the total magnetic field intensity for about 4.5 hours accompanied by moderately southward Bz. The spiral angle also went through a reversal from away to towards just after 0600 Z and back from towards to away around 1000Z. This may be indicative of passage through an interplanetary current sheet. After 1000Z, velocity and speed continued to rise along with temperature, possibly suggestive of the onset of a co-rotating interaction region. The greater than 2 MeV electron fluxes were at high levels during the past 24 hours.
IIB. Geofysisk aktivitetsprognose
The geomagnetic field is expected to be unsettled with occasional active periods over the next three days. The main driver for this enhanced activity is expected to be the continued presence of high speed solar wind originating from a solar coronal hole.
III. Hændelsessandsynligheder 10 Jan til 12 Jan
Klasse M75%75%75%
Klasse X15%15%15%
IV. Penticton 10,7 cm Flux
  Observeret       09 Jan 118
  Forudsagt   10 Jan-12 Jan  120/125/125
  90 dages gennemsnit        09 Jan 137
V. Geomagnetiske A-indekser
  Observeret Afr/Ap 08 Jan  004/009
  Anslået     Afr/Ap 09 Jan  020/025
  Forudsagt    Afr/Ap 10 Jan-12 Jan  015/015-015/015-015/020
VI. Geomagnetisk aktivitetssandsynlighed 10 Jan til 12 Jan
A. Mellemste breddegrader
Mindre storm20%20%20%
Større-alvorlig storm10%10%10%
B. Høje breddegrader
Mindre storm35%35%35%
Større-alvorlig storm15%15%15%

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