Affichage des archives de mercredi, 8 février 2023

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An Expansion on Solar Cycle Prediction

Today we have a really special news item for you! We have a guest post made by Christian Harris from Space Weather Trackers. Christian is a friend of the website an has made very well received guest posts before. He has some serious big brain knowledge about everything space weather related. I am sure many of you have heard of him before. He is here to shed some light on the progression of Solar Cycle 25. Please read his article below and gain some fascinating insights on how SC25 is developing. It is well worth the read! If you are interested in Christian's work be sure to follow him on Facebook and follow his Space Weather Trackers Facebook page. Christian, the stage is yours:

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La Météo Spatiale en faits

Dernière classe X01/06/2024X1.03
Dernière classe M02/06/2024M1.9
Dernier orage géomagnétique17/05/2024Kp6 (G2)
Jours sans taches solaires
Dernier jour sans taches solaires08/06/2022
Nombre mensuel moyen de taches solaires
avril 2024136.5 +31.6
juin 2024194 +57.5
30 derniers jours151 +2.5

A ce jour dans l'histoire*

Éruptions solaires
*depuis 1994

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