Affichage des archives de mardi, 17 mars 2015

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Severe G4 geomagnetic storm

Severe G4 geomagnetic storm conditions has been observed following the impact from a coronal mass ejection associated with a C9 solar flare. This is likely the strongest geomagnetic storm of the current solar cycle. Auroral displays have been reported from many high and middle latitudes locations like Canada where Zoltan Kenwell took this stunning image!

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Coronal mass ejection arrival, G2 geomagnetic storm

The coronal mass ejection likely associated with the C9 solar flare has arrived at Earth, much earlier than expected. A sudden increase in the solar wind and IMF parameters were observed but the direction of the IMF stayed north until around 06:00 UTC when it turned southward for a couple of hours to about -20nT. The geomagnetic field responded and a moderate G2 geomagnetic storm followed.

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