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Guest danderson500

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according to Solarham, there was a erupton today any chance this was a CME?

There seemed to have been two.

One in 2371, one in 2376, though that's only according to the GOES Solar X-ray imager. Both around 14:24 UTC.


The Lasco C3, however, was glitched at that time, but seems to show remains of filaments. Nothing earthbound I believe. The C2 shows what I BELIEVE to be a CME in 2376, but you don't have to worry about it for now.

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Guest danderson500

you know i hate to say this but i dont think 2371 is going to be as active the second go around just my opinion  feel free to disagree if you want

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Guest danderson500

i have a question and i hope it is not stupid why do so many sites talk about exploding power grids and transformers? i mean those sites are so stupid it is not funny! also they talk about it being a EMP! the sun is not a EMP weapon!

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i have a question and i hope it is not stupid why do so many sites talk about exploding power grids and transformers? i mean those sites are so stupid it is not funny! also they talk about it being a EMP! the sun is not a EMP weapon!



About 3 million persons, in the USA, are what we call "preppers" : they are preparing for doomsday scenarios, including (but not limited to) nuclear EMPs and Carrington-class CMEs.


The "not limited to" part is VERY important. To prepare ONLY for a CME is ridiculous, because you have about 10000000000000% more chances to die in a car accident, or to live through a flood, than to see a Carrington-class event. But the prepper way of life requires the person to prepare for a very vast variety of scenarii (that's the plural of scenario) and that includes EMPs and CMEs, which are considered by most (including myself) "THE very worst thing that could happen". They are, by no means, a very serious probability, just another reason to prepare.


The simple fact that it MIGHT happen does not mean it WILL happen. You want to be a prepper, fine. I am one too. But that means having to cope with the knowledge that life is very fragile, and that the only thing that keeps our civilization from falling apart is the fact that we believe that it is not yet falling apart. Now there are plenty of reasons to worry that are MUCH MORE REAL than a CME. Just stop double-posting, alright? And watch your grammar. English is not even my mother's tongue (and I'm not the only one here) and it hurts my eyes. Capitalize your Is when you speak about yourself. T.T


No, the sun is not an EMP weapon, but both events (an EMP or a big CME) would work in similar ways. The EMP would be more brutal because of the first, almost-light-fast waves of energy unleashed by the initial blast that would not only fry energy-production facilities, but also smaller electronics. It would also be followed by some kind of geomagnetic storm, the magnitude of which is unknown to me. Much smaller than a CME's, since EMP weapons were experimented several times in history without causing Carrington-class Gs.


Now I am surely going to regret this, but why don't you come and ask your questions in private to me? I will answer them to the best of my capacities (more so if they are survivalism-oriented), and I'm sure it will save the admins here a few hours of repeating themselves each week.


Hope I can be of some help.

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